Best 25 question and answer for boiler first and second class operator viva examination 2017 :- Q.1 what is boiler? Ans. According the boiler rule act 1923 “ boiler is a closed vessel exceeding 22.75 liters in capacity which is used expressly for generation of steam under pressure and including …
10 common causes of carry over in power plant:- Today we discussed about the a very important topic which related to the boiler operation that’s topic is carryover. Carryover is the process during the boiler operation when the contaminant leaves a boiler steam drum with the steam. It can be …
AFBC ( Atmospheric Fluidized Bed Combustion ) BOILER COLD START UP PROCEDURE:- AFBC boiler is a very developing technology now these days this technology is widely used in the industrial boiler for the purpose of efficient and clean burning of coal and other fuel for steam generation. afbc boiler is …
CFBC (CIRCULATING FLUIDASING BED COMBUSTION )boiler process and their advantage over AFBC ( ATMOSPHERIC FLUIDSAING BED COMBUSTION ) boiler Fluidization bed combustion technology first introduce in 1970 in large scale in utilities boilers for the purpose of explore to new way to burning of solids fuels as well as the …