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Causes for the pump vibrations
- By : Joginder chauhan
Causes for the pump vibrations
In this article we discussed about root cause of pump vibrations what’s the resin behind its occurrence whenever any pump have abnormal sound it’s vibrations must be checked immediately. if vibrations goes high up-to the normal level . Immediately stop the pump and find the root cause of vibrations or any other abnormality.
Before starting the root causes of pump vibrations we should also know about the pumps . how many types of pumps are used in power plant and what are the function of those pumps in power plant .
Pumps are used at a large scale in power plant for many purposes and a variety of services like general utility service, cooling water, boiler feed, and lubrication; with Condensing water and sumps; as booster pumps, etc. There is a pump Design best suited to each purpose and individual service and their requirement according their function of usages.
Many types of pumps found in a power plant, the Basic steam power plant cycle includes a combination of a condensing and a feed water heating cycle, and this requires a minimum of three pumps:
A condensate pump that transfers the condensate from the condenser hot well into the deaerator. Deaerator store the feed water and send it to boiler drum trough economizer.
A boiler feed pump that transfers feed water from the feed water heaters to the economizer or the boiler steam drum as we above discussed .
A circulating water pump that provides cooling water through the Condenser to condense the exhaust steam from the turbine and also cool down the lube oil temperature. Pumps which are found in power plants come in a variety of sizes and designs that depend on the fluid and the service. However, pumps are divided into two major categories: dynamic and displacement pumps
Dynamic pumps are those in which energy is continuously added to Increase fluid velocities. These pumps include centrifugal pumps.
Displacement pumps are those in which energy is added periodically by the application of force. these pumps include reciprocating and rotary-type pumps.
Four general classifications of pumps as follows:
-Reciprocating pumps. These include piston, plunger, and diaphragm pumps, and these can be of simplex or multiplex design.Power and vacuum pumps are also part of this classification.
-Rotary pumps. these include gear, screw, and vane pumps.
-Centrifugal pumps These include radial-flow, mixed-flow, and axial-flow pumps, and the designs can be single or multiple stage.
–Special pumps these include jet, gas-lift, and hydraulic-ram pumps.
Here some generally root cause of pump vibrations given below:-
(1) the water pump and the motor is not in alignment with each other.
(2) loose anchor bolt of the pump proper or the motor, or unfixed foundation
(3) the fasten force of the bearing cover make the bumping of the bearing tile inside the cylinder.
(4) Unbalanced mass at the rotor
(5) as for the volute pump, especially some certain high lift volute pump, if under small flow rate, vibration of different degree will may happen due to the radial force on the rotor. When the valve opening to a certain extend, vibration will disappear immediately.
(6) mutual friction at the moving and static parts (like balancing disc, seal ring)
(7) the affect on the pump proper due to the piping vibration
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Hi, all power engineers. I am Joginder Chauhan. I am the founder of the website www.askpowerplant.com. I am also a power plant engineer with over ten years of experience in the power sector. During this period, I learned about different power technologies like AFBC, CFBC, TRAVELLING GRATE, PULSATING GREAT, PF BOILER, WHRS, and many more. My motive for this site is to share my power sector knowledge with every person who belongs to this field; on this website, I share information related to boiler operation, boiler maintenance, turbine operation & maintenance, boiler & turbine question answers, D.M plant, and all topic related to power plant sector please join this website for latest updation regarding power plant ………..thanks ( JOGINDER CHAUHAN )