Heii power plant engineers how are you I hope all is well today we discussed about a very important topic related to a turbine or we can say a very important question which is generally asked by interviewer which is what is the skid –pin system in a steam turbine? …
35 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW DURING COLD STARTUP OF TURBINE:- Heii power plant engineers today we discuss about a very important topic which is “35 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW DURING COLD STARTUP OF TURBINE ” in this topic we learnt about the very important things about the cold start up …
TYPE OF TURBINES AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION:- Heii power plant operation engineers today we discussed about the “ TYPE OF TURBINES AND THEIR CLASSIFICATION “ we are worked in different -2 power sector industries in which we see that the different-2 steam turbines like that full condensing , impulse cum reaction …
LATEST TURBINE OPERATION QUESTION ANSWER 2018 Hello ! power engineers today we discussed about the TRENDING TURBINE OPERATION QUESTION ANSWER . these question answer is helpful for those who worked as a turbine operation engineer and who want to know more about the turbine operation . turbine is critical component of …
LATEST TURBINE OPERATION QUESTION ANSWER 2018 Hello ! power engineers today we discussed about the LATEST TURBINE OPERATION QUESTION ANSWER 2018 . these question answer is helpful for those who worked as a turbine operation engineer and who want to know more about the turbine operation . turbine is critical component of …
Hello ! power engineers today we discussed about the MOST WANTED TURBINE QUESTION ANSWER . these question answer is helpful for those who worked as a turbine operation engineer and who want to know more about the turbine operation . turbine is critical component of any power generation plant because …
MOST IMPORTANT TURBINE QUESTION ANSWER YOU SHOULD NEVER KNOW Hello ! power engineers today we discussed about the MOST IMPORTANT TURBINE QUESTION ANSWER YOU SHOULD NEVER KNOW . these question answer is helpful for those who worked as a turbine operation engineer and who want to know more about the turbine …
TOP BEST 7 TURBINE OPERATION QUESTION ANSWER Hello ! power engineers today we discussed about the top best 7 turbine operation question answer . these question answer is helpful for those who worked as a turbine operation engineer and who want to know more about the turbine operation . turbine …
Difference between the Impulse and Reaction turbine Today we discuss about the main difference between the impulse and reaction turbine , how differentiate both type of turbine according to steam flow , pressure computing , according to size and efficiency . Steam Turbine working Principles Based on working principle the …
CFBC (circulating fluidization bed combustion )BOILER PRESSURE PART’S & THEIR FUNCTION:- Today we discussed about the CFBC (circulating fluidization bed combustion ) boiler pressure parts and their uses .CFBC boiler is a Single-drum, natural circulation, top supported, and membrane wall construction. Internal Recycle Circulating Fluidized Bed, Boiler (IR-CFB), Natural Circulation, …