Please provide me turbine operation related tips
Turbine Rotor critical rotation speed
- By : Joginder chauhan
Turbine Rotor critical rotation speed:-
In the manufacturing and installation process, turbine rotor will inevitably have partial centroid shift. When rotor is rotating, centrifugal force caused by this centroid shift will become a periodical vibration force on rotor and force it to vibrate. When the frequency of this vibration force is close to the natural frequency of rotor system when it is rotating, rotor will have resonance vibration, and the rotation speed now is called rotor’s critical rotation speed. The features of which in operation is that: in the starting and speeding process of turbine, under certain rotation speed, unit vibration is enhanced and when speed is faster than this rotation speed, vibration will be reduced rapidly. And under certain much higher speed, unit will vibrate more violently. When rotor speed is continuously increased, vibration will be rapidly weakened.
In the accelerating process, critical speeds in turn shown to a certain rotor are: primary critical rotation speed and secondary critical rotation speed.
If rotor continues to rotate when rotor is at critical speed, the vibration of which will be enhanced or even accident will happen. Therefore, rotor critical rotation speed must be paid attention, in starting operation, operator shall ensure unit rapidly and evenly pass critical rotation speed and avoid staying at this speed.
When rotor working rotation speed is lower than primary critical rotation speed, critical rotation speed will not show in both starting and normal operating process. This kind of rotor is called as rigid rotor. Rotors whose working rotation speed is higher than primary critical rotation speed are called flexible rotor. This unit uses flexible rotor, in the accelerating process of this unit, rotor shall pass critical rotation speed and then reach to working rotation speed.
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Hi all power engineers myself Joginder Chauhan. I am the founder of the website I am also a power plant engineer and have more than 10-year experience in the field of power sectors during this time period I learned about different power technology like AFBC, CFBC, TRAVELLING GRATE, PULSATING GREAT, PF BOILER, WHRS, and many more things. my motive for this site sharing my power sector knowledge with each and everyone who belongs to this field, in this website I share information related to boiler operation, boiler maintenance, turbine operation & maintenance, boiler & turbine question answer, D.M plant, and all topic related to power plant sector please join this website for latest updation regarding power plant ………..thanks ( JOGINDER CHAUHAN )